Human Resource Management Mcqs

Page No. 7

The advantages of staffing from amongst the host country nationals generally do not include

areduction of language barriers

breduction of living cost

cgreater control over the activities of the organisation

dbetter understanding of host country’s laws and regulations

The objectives of workers’ participation in management do not ordinarily include

apromotion of collective bargaining

bpromotion of industrial harmony

cpromotion of industrial democracy

dpromotion of productivity

International staffing does not give much emphasis on the consideration of

acultural adaptability

bglobal experience

cfamily flexibility

dpolitical consciousness

T&D programme in international HRM should give due attention to

apromotion of efficiency of personnel in the host country

bunderstanding of the cultural environment of the host country

cimprovement of technical expertise

dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

Social factor having a potent bearing on HRM practices in India includes

acaste system

bdoctrine of karma

ccustoms and traditions

dall of the above

View Answer caste system

Which is a form of participative management?


bassociative participation

cconsultative participation

dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

A strike called by a section of workers/union members without authorization from proper authority of the union is called

asectional strike

bjurisdictional strike

cwild cat strike

dsympathetic strike

View Answer wild cat strike

Industrial discipline ordinarily does not imply

aobservance of company’s rules and regulations

bcooperating with management and co-workers

cactive participation in union activities

dsmooth discharge of duties and responsibilities

Concept of MBO was first developed by

aPeter Drucker

bDouglas McGregor

cHenry Fayol

dClayton P. Alderfer

View Answer Peter Drucker

Which of the following is considered the first wage incentive plan in modern industrial era?

aHalsey plan

bTaylor’s differential piece-rate plan

cBarth plan

dGantt Task plan

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