Bioinformatics Mcqs

Page No. 10

If the random sequences were prepared in a way that maintained the local base composition by producing them from overlapping fragments of sequence, the distribution of scores has a _______ standard deviation that is closer to the distribution of the natural sequences.



c lower


View Answer lower

_______ analyzed the distribution of scores among 100 vertebrate nucleic acid sequences and compared these scores with randomized sequences prepared in different ways.

aLipman, in 1984

bBatalov, in 1964

c Waterman, in 1987

d Lipman, in 1967

View Answer Lipman, in 1984

Who suggested that the global alignment scores between unrelated protein sequences followed the extreme value distribution, similar to local alignment scores? And when?

a Abagyan and Batalov, in 1981

b Chvátal and Lipman, in 1984

cAbagyan and Batalov, in 1997

dChvátal and Sankoff, in 1995

Which of the following are not related to Needleman-Wunsch alignment algorithm?

aGlobal alignment programs use this algorithm

bThe output is a positive number

cSmall changes in the scoring system can produce a different alignment

dChanges in the scoring system can produce the same alignment

When random or unrelated sequences are compared using a global alignment method, they can have ____________ reflecting the tendency of the global algorithm to match as many characters as possible.

avery low scores

bvery high scores

cmoderate scores

dlow scores

View Answer very high scores

The statistical analysis of alignment scores is much better understood for ________ than for _______

aglobal alignments, local alignments

b local alignments, global alignments

c global alignments, any other alignment method

dNeedleman-Wunsch alignment, Smith-Waterman alignment

On analysis of the alignment scores of random sequences will reveal that the scores follow a different distribution than the normal distribution called the _________

aGumbel equal value distribution

bGumbel extreme value distribution

cGumbel end value distribution

d Gumbel distribution

Unlike the commonly used methods for aligning a pair of sequences, the Bayesian method _______ using a particular scoring matrix or designated gap penalties.

adoes not depend on

bdepends on

cis based on


View Answer does not depend on

Zhu (1998) have devised a computer program called the Bayes block aligner which in effect slides ____ sequences along each other to find the ______ ungapped regions or blocks.

atwo, least scoring

btwo, highest scoring

cmultiple, highest scoring

dmultiple, least scoring

View Answer two, highest scoring

Which of the following feature of Bayesian methods is the disadvantage of it?

aA length and distance that gives the highest overall probability may be determined

bThey are used to calculate evolutionary distance

cComputationally Bayesian methods are better

d A specific mutational model is required

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