Sociology MCQs

Page No. 37

GM crops are different from anything that has existed before because ______________?

athey are produced by techniques of cross-breeding

bthey are capable of drastically improving agricultural yields

cthey involve transplanting genes between different organisms

dthey have become front-page stories in the news everyday

Which sociological perspective emphasizes that patients should not always be viewed as passive but instead as an actor who often shows a powerful intent to see the physician ?

afunctionalist perspective

bconflict perspective

cinteractionist perspective

dlabeling theory

The final stage in demographic transition is marked by_______________?

ahigh birthrates and death rates

bhigh birthrates and low death rates

clow birthrates and high death rates

dlow birthrates and low death rates

The first stage of the demographic transition is called the________________?

aPre-transition stage

btransition stage

cpost transition stage

dinitiation stage

View Answer Pre-transition stage

In which type of city does religion become fragmented and there is greater openness to new religious faiths ?

apreindustrial city

bindustrial city

cpostindustrial city

dedge cities

View Answer postindustrial city

Robert Park and Ernest Burgess are associated with________________?

athe functionalist perspective

bthe conflict perspective

cthe linear-development model

dUrban ecology

Which group of sociologists note that developers’ bankers and other powerful real estate interests view housing as an investment and are primarily concerned with maximizing profit not with solving social problems?

aurban ecologists

bnew urban sociologist


dhuman ecologists

View Answer new urban sociologist

According to Herbert Gans residents who remain in the city to take advantage of the unique cultural and intellectual benefits of the city are called_____________?


bethnic villagers

curban villagers

dthe trapped

View Answer cosmopolites

According to Gerald Suttles a gated community would be an example of a(n)_____________?

aedge city

bdefended neighborhood

curban enclave

dethnic village

View Answer defended neighborhood

Which of the following is predicted to be a major influence on cities during the next 50 years ?


bthe internet

curban renewal


View Answer the internet

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