Sociology MCQs

Page No. 38

The crude birth rate______________?

ais the annual number of live births per 1000-woman age 15-44?

bIs the potential number of children that could be born if every woman of childbearing age bore all the children she possibly could?

cis the number of live births per 1000 members of a population in a given year

denables researchers to see important difference among races. ethnic groups, classes, age groups, and other categories with in the population

The ____ is the increase or decrease that results from immigration or emigration per 1000 member of the population in a given year ?

aemigration rate

bgrowth rate

cimmigration rate

dnet migration rate

View Answer net migration rate

According to Marx_____________?

aan economic crisis in the capitalist system would force factory owners into the ranks of the unemployed

ban excess of the working-class population depends on the availability of employment opportunities not on fixed supply of food.

cthe problems associated with population growth are a function of the scarcity of wealth

dself-control would restrain population growth.

Proponents of the family planning approach to fertility reduction argue that______________?

aeconomic development will lead to a reduction in fertility

bgovernments consider modern contraceptive measures to be a threat to the preservation and continuation of their way of life.

cif contraceptives are made available and if information about the value and need for birth planning is disseminated people will reduce their fertility

dpeople can be coerced into using family planning techniques

Which of the following are NOT factors involved in whether or not people define a situation as crowded ?

aduration and predictability

bframe of mind and environmental setting

cthe sex and race of individuals present

dintensification of people’s definition of the situation

Which of the following is an accurate statement about global cities ?

aGlobal cities are major urban centers of commerce on which corporations rely.

bGlobal cities are characterized by centralized manufacturing and production activities.

cGlobal cities result from decentralized managerial and financial operations.

dGlobal cities result from changes in world population

Which of the following is an accurate statement about segregation ?

aSegregation in always an involuntary process

bSegregation is the encroachment by one group on an area occupied by another group

cSegregation can be prevented by the practice of redlining

dSegregation is the process by which natural areas are formed by the clustering of individuals or groups on the basis of common traits or activities

Which theoretical perspective defines the ecological environment as an ecosystem exhibiting a tendency toward equilibrium ?

athe interactionist perspective

bthe conflict perspective

cthe relativist perspective

dthe functionalist perspective

Which of these can sociology not help us with ?

apredicting likely weather patterns in the future

bunderstanding how human societies put pressure on the environment

cunderstanding how environmental problems are distributed

devaluating policies for tackling environmental problems

How are genetically modified foods different from previous techniques ?

athe genes used cannot spread into the wider environment

bthey involve transplanting genes from one organism to another

cwe can say with certainty that they are risk-free

dthey have been accepted by consumers in all countries

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