Sociology MCQs

Page No. 34

The population of the world is expected to double in the next________?

a35 years

b75 years

c100 years

dNone of these

View Answer 35 years

Economic growth will keep pace with population growth only if there is_______________?

aAvailable acreage

bImproved technology

cMotivation to achieve

dNone of these

View Answer Improved technology

Over population is also one of the major causes of_______________?




dAll of the above

View Answer All of the above

A country becomes over populated when_____________?

aIts population exceeds set limit

bIts resources fail to cope with its requirement

cNone of these

dBoth of these

It was estimated 148.72 million according to______________?

a2003 census

b2004 census

c2005 census

dNone of these

View Answer 2004 census

Our demographic situation provides us with an extraordinary opportunity we can_____________?

aeducate and use this resource

bSend educated abroad

cboth a and b

dNone of these

View Answer Both A and B

For Thomas Robert Malthus the appropriate way to control population was to_____________?

ause artificial means of birth control

bpostpone marriage

cpass legislation prohibiting families from having more than one child

ddo all of the above

View Answer postpone marriage

Which of the following nations has the lowest infant mortality rate ?

athe United States




View Answer Sweden

Demographers who once believed that the U.S population would stabilize between 290 and 300 million people now believe that it will stabilize at around 390 million people because its________________?

aoverall birth-rate will increase significantly in the early part of the new century

blife expectancy at birth will shortly increase to nearly 100 years of age

cimmigration rate is expected to remain high

dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

Which country is currently experiencing a negative birth-rate ?





View Answer China

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