Sociology MCQs

Page No. 81

The conflict theory holds that stratification exists because____________?

aits benefits individuals and groups who have the power to dominate and exploit others

bprivilege prestige and power are equally distributed in society

cthe capitalist drive to distribute wealth equitably is the foundation of modern society

dcapitalists and workers are class conscious

Which of the following is true regarding the functionalist and conflict theories of social stratification ?

aConflict theory is better at explaining inequality

bOnly functionalist theory has merit when discussing social structure

cSome sociologists have tried to synthesize the conflict and functionalist perspectives to argue that stratification systems are institutions that have evolved in order to reduce conflict

dnone of the above

Which one of the following does not apply to social class systems ?

aclass systems are relatively fluid

bclass position is entirely subjective

cclass is economically based

dclass positions are in part achieved

Which of the following social groups do occupational class schemes not have difficulty accommodating ?


bmanual working class

cthe unemployed

dretired people

View Answer manual working class

Pierre Bourdieu,s theoretical perspective makes use of the concept of capital Which of the following is not part of his scheme ?


beconomic capital

csocial capital

dcultural capital

View Answer political

Which of these statements does not reflect the conventional position in class analysis ?

aclass inequalities govern gender stratification

bwomen’s pay is often essential to the family’s economic position

cwomen’s paid work is not as significant as that of men

dwomen should be seen as being the same class as their husbands/partners

The process of turning the class concept into something measurable is called___________?

aoperational research

bmodus operandum


doperant conditioning

View Answer modus operandum

The kuznets hypothesis states that as economic development proceeds inequality ?

afirst decreases then increases before remaining high

bfirst increases then decreases before remaining low

cfirst increases then flattens out, before rising again

dfirst increases then decreases then increases then decreases

Traditional working-class identity was based around_________________?

ashared working conditions in the manufacturing industry

bthe class consciousness of members of the proletariat

clocal communities extended kinship networks and shared leisure pursuits

dcollective aspirations to move into the middle class

The middle classes that developed over the nineteenth century were_____________?

aan urban set involved in civic bodies and voluntary associations

btoo diverse to have a strong sense of class consciousness

coften involved in white collar work

dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

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