Sociology MCQs

Page No. 79

In Society in America which early sociologist gave special attention to status distinctions and to such factors as gender and race ?

aEmile Durkheim

bMax Weber

cAuguste Comte

dHarriet Martineau

View Answer Harriet Martineau

Which of the following conducted observation research on two groups of high school males-the Saints and the Roughnecks-and concluded that social class played an important role in the varying fortunes of the two groups ?

aRichard Quincy

bEdwin Sutherland

cEmile Durkheim

dWilliam Chambliss

View Answer William Chambliss

Karl Marx held that a social movement the revolt of the proletariat would help workers overcome feelings of____________?

aclass consciousness

bfalse consciousness

csocialist consciousness

dsurplus value

View Answer false consciousness

Bernstein thought that using restricted codes of language disadvantaged pupils at school because____________?

athis pattern of speech made them the target of bullying

bthey referred to explicit context independent meanings

cthey prevented children from communicating outside of their peer groups

dthey involved short simple sentences with a small vocabulary

The term culture industry used by members of the Frankfurt School referred to____________?

athe globalization of culture through new technologies

bthey way in which cultural products were bought and sold for profit

cthe development of subcultures and counter-cultures in society

dthey way in which industrialization had created new means of communication

A social stratum is________________?

aa level in the social hierarchy comprising people with shared life chances

ba methodological tool used to identify a person’s social class

cthe boundary between two levels of the social hierarchy

da symbol of status used to differentiate between social classes

The class polarization that Marx predicted referred to________________?

athe division of each social class into the more or less privileged.

ba growing gap between rich and poor resulting in class consciousness

cthe growth of intermediate strata in the middle classes

dthe tendency for the working class to live in very could places

The embourgeoisement thesis suggests that_____________?

acapitalists are being replaced by salaried managers with bureaucratic authority

bthe affluent working class is adopting middle class values and ways of life

cwhite collar occupations are being deskilled by the introduction of new technologies into the workplace

dthe class structure has fragmented and there are no longer any distinct social classes

The term hegemony refers to_____________?

athe tendency for the working class not to realize their own interests

ba dominant ideology that legitimates economic political

ca form of dual consciousness based on ideology and everyday experiences

da mode of payment given for outstanding topiary

According to Max Weber the ideal type refers to______________?

athe best possible outcome available

ba perspective emphasizing the primacy of ideas

ca model based on certain features of a phenomenon

dthe social agenda of political idealists

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