Sociology MCQs

Page No. 52

Which of the following is a leading exponent of the view that the criminal justice system serves the interests of the powerful ?

aRichard Quinney

bEdwin Sutherland

cStanley Milgram

dWilliam Chambliss

View Answer Richard Quinney

Which of the following offered pioneering insights regarding professional criminals by publishing an annotated account written by a professional thief ?

aRobert Merton

bEmile Durkhieim

cHoward S Becker

dEdwin Sutherland

View Answer Edwin Sutherland

Gambling public drunkenness prostitution and smoking marijuana are often considered ?

awhite-collar crimes

bviolent crimes against people

c“victimless” crimes

dorganized crime

Which term was introduced by Charles Per row to refer to failures that are inevitable given the manner in which human and technological systems are organized ?

athe Per row principle

bthe Peter principle

cthe school principal

dnormal accidents

View Answer normal accidents

The Macpherson Report highlighted the increasing problem of_____________?

ahate crimes violence against ethnic minorities simply because of their race

binstitutional racism systematic forms of disadvantage built into the routines and practices of social institutions

covert racism in the police force that must be tackled by institutional reforms

dgrowing numbers of asylum seekers in need of long-term accommodation

If a deviant act is normalized it is_______________?

arecognized as breaking an important norm of behavior

bseen a temporary aberration from an otherwise normal character

cthe first step in establishing a deviant career

dattributed to the persons genetic or anatomical make up

Sutherlands study of the professional thief suggested that_______________?

apeople are socialized into a life of crime by associating with others who define it in positive terms

bthe majority of crime is committed by middle class people in professional occupations

cthose who were arrested and charged with theft did not define themselves as thieves

dthe most dangerous criminals on the street were those who were highly skilled thieves

The Mafia is an example of_______________?

awhite collar crime

borganized crime

cnon-criminal deviance

dglobal terrorism

View Answer organized crime

Disciplinary power was exercised in the 19th century factories by_______________?

athe use of corporal punishment by employers

bexcluding women from participating in waged labor

cpunctuality uninterrupted work and the threat of dismissal

dmaking routine tasks less monotonous

Which one of the following does Wilkinson identify as the main determinant of relative health in a society ?

asocial integration

blifestyle choices

csocial inequality

dwork patterns

View Answer social integration

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