Sociology MCQs

Page No. 50

The “looking-glass self” essentially explains ?

aour reflections on our own personal shortcomings

bour sense of knowledge from all of the agents of socialization

cour sense of individuality

dour imagination of how others see us

According to Mead the earliest stage of socialization is called the ___________ stage?





View Answer preparatory

The biggest difference between the theories of Freud and Erikson is that Erikson believed ?

aThat culture rather than biology plays the biggest part in socialization

bthat psychology is the dominant theory the social sciences

cthat biology/genetics explains everything

dthat there is no such thing as a superego

The depression that occurs when the last child leaves the home is called______________?

athe nurturing complex

bempty-nest syndrome

cchildless anxiety

dthe fear of singularity

View Answer empty-nest syndrome

A set of behavioral expectations that are linked to chronological and biological age that change as we get older are referred to as____________?

amaturational motivations

bactivity norms

cage grades

dcontinuity contingencies

View Answer age grades

According to sociologists the critical agent of socialization is thought to be_____________?


bthe family

cformal religion


View Answer the family

The family structure has been profoundly altered by the twin processes of _______ and __________ ?

aindustrialization/vertical mobility


curbanization/vertical mobility

dindustrialization /horizontal mobility

In many societies newlyweds move into the husbands house at marriage This arrangement is referred to as a _________ pattern?





View Answer patrilocal

A network of roles according to which each person accepts certain duties towards others makes ?

aSocial background

bSocial Order

cSocial stratification

dNone of these

View Answer Social Order

Lapiere observed social control as primarily a process growing out of the individuals ?


bEgoist behavior

cNeed for group acceptance

dNone of these

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