Sociology MCQs

Page No. 43

A Group of people affiliated by consanguinity affinity and co-residence is______________?




dNone of these

View Answer Family

Family is the basic point of _______ for the children ?

aenculturation and socialization


cLearning and growing

dNone of these

Which of the following theorists described the family as the ultimate source of social inequality because of its role in the transfer of power property and privilege ?

aFriedrich Engels

bTalcott Parsons

cMargaret Mead

dGeorge Murdock

View Answer Friedrich Engels

Which of the following is a factor that has contributed to the rise of the dual income model of the family ?

aincrease in the number of men with a college education

bincreasing birth-rate

cshift in the economy of the United States from manufacturing to service industries

dall of the above

In a study of styles of grand parenting sociologists Andrew Cherlin and Frank Furstenberg Jr concluded that the most common style was for grandparents to ___________?

abe actively involved in everyday routine care of their grandchildren and exercise substantial authority over them

bcarry on a “ritualistic”(primarily symbolic) relationship with their grandchildren

cnever see their grandchildren

dfunction as “specialists in recreational care-giving”

of those in the United States who obtain a divorce about what percent later remarry ?

atwo-thirds of divorced men

bthree-fourths of divorced women

ctwo-thirds of divorced women

d80 percent of divorced women

Marx proclaimed that religion would disappear when ?

aa new trend of moral individualism became established

ba socialist revolution removed the need for capitalist ideology

cchurch attendance dropped below 15%

dpeople came to believe more in science and technology

Herberg,s (1955) study of religion in America suggested that ?

aethnic minorities practised religion to achieve social acceptance in the culture

bmainstream faiths were becoming increasingly identified with national identity

cthe moral teachings of the main religions were becoming relatively similar

dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

The Nation of Islam group appealed to ?

aBritish-born second-generation immigrants from the Asian subcontinent

bWhite Americans who wanted to convert to Islam

cAfrican-Americans who felt excluded from the ethnic melting pot in the USA

dAfrican-Caribbean’s who lived in the inner cities and had a distinctive youth culture

Parsons argued that the two main functions of the modern family were ?

asecondary socialization and strict discipline

bemotional support and sexual gratification

cprimary socialization and personality stabilization

doppressing women and reproducing the labor force

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