Economics MCQs

Page No. 376

Which of the following countries is not a low-income country ?





View Answer Singapore

The formula to calculate economic growth from 2001 to 2002 is given by ?

a [(GDP2002 + GDP2001)/GDP2001]100

b [(GDP2002 – GDP2001) GDP2001]100

c[(GDP2002 – GDP2001)/GDP2001]100

d [(GDP2001 – GDP2002]100

If GNP per capita at constant prices for Ghana is US$360 and US$364 in 1996 and 1997 respectively, The real economic growth from 1996 to 1997 is ?


b 1.11%



View Answer 1.11%

If GNP for Vatican City the smallest country in the world is 200 million euros in year 2011 and its population is 890 GNP per capita is_____________?

a2000 – 890



d 200

View Answer 200,000,000/890

Which of the following countries is not a low income country ?


b India

c Malaysia


View Answer Malaysia

Economic growth from current year (c) to previous year (p) is given by ?

a[(GDPc – GDPp)/ DGPp]100

b [(GDPc – GDPp) DGPp]100

c GNPc – DGPp100)

d [GDPp – GDPc]100

If GDP for Barbados is $260 million in 2011 and its population is 260,000 GDP per capita is ?

a 1000

b 260



View Answer 1000

The formula to calculate Passche price index is (o is the base year and n is the given year) ?

aP = ΣPnqn/Σpoqn

b P = ΣPoqo/Σpnqn

cP = ΣPnqo/Σpoqo

d P = ΣPnqn/Σpoqo

View Answer P = ΣPnqn/Σpoqn

Imitating labor standards from rich countries in LDCs may increase ?

a equality


c employment

d human development

View Answer poverty

Which of the following statement is not true about LDCs ?

aMost LDCs have less than 1/10 the per capita GNP of the U.S

b A greater share of GNP would have to be devoted to education to attain the same primary enrollment rates as in the U.S

c Setting up western labor standard and minimum wages in labor-abundant LDCs is sensible

d Most LDCs have a greater shortage of qualified teachers than the U.S does

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