Economics MCQs

Page No. 377

Which of the following is not one of the Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs) ?


bSouth Korea


d Singapore

View Answer Japan

The Human Development Index (HDI) summarizes a great deal of social performances in a single composite index combining ?

adisparity reduction rate, human resource development rate and the composite index

b longevity, education and living standard

c minimum schooling, adult literacy and tertiary educational attainment

dhuman resource training development and R&D

The three measure of welfare indicators above comprise the ?

a Purchasing Power Parity

b Physical Quality of Life Index

c Human Development Index

dThe Laspeyres index

Infant mortality ?

a is defined as the annual number of deaths of infant under 1 year old per 1,000 live births

b reflects the availability of primary education the rights of employments and social security

cis life expectancy up to age 3

d. reflects the availability of hospitals and childcare facilities and the parents wealth

PPP is ?

aa theory that tells us that exchanged rates between currencies are in equilibrium when their purchasing power is the same in both countries

bGDP divided by exchange rate

c a measure of income inequality

d a measure of infant mortality in developing countries

Which of the following is not a problem in comparing developed and developing countries GNP ?

aGNP is understated for developed countries, since a number of items included in their national incomes are intermediate goods

b The economic contribution of a housewife is a peasant family may not be measured is GNP is poor country

c GNP in understated for developing countries since many of their labor intensive good have no impact on exchange rate since they are not traded

d GNP is overstated for for countries where the price of foreign exchange is less than market clearing price

The formula for the Laspeyres price index is (o is the base year and n is the given year) ?

aP = ∑Poqo/∑poqo

bP = ∑Poqo/∑pnqn

cP = ∑Pnqo/∑poqo

dP = ∑Poqn/∑poqo

View Answer P = ∑Pnqo/∑poqo

All of the following are low income countries except ?All of the following are low income countries except ?

aUnited Arab Emirates




View Answer United Arab Emirates

The World Bank’s GNP per capita classification for low income middle income and high income countries respectively is ?

aless than $900, $900-$9000 and more than $9000

b less than $5000, $5000-$15000 and more than $15000

c less than $100, $100-$1000 and more than $1000

dless than $5000, $5000-$150000 and more than $150000

All of the following are high income countries except ?

a the United Kingdom

b Singapore

c Japan


View Answer Hungary

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