Economics MCQs

Page No. 378

According to chapter 2 in the text which of the following is true ?

a The boundary between rich and poor countries has become clearer in 1990s

b The fastest growing countries must be the ones with the highest per capita GNP

c A few poor countries like South Korea and Malaysia in the 1950s grew much more rapidly than some higher-income countries like Uruguay and New Zealand

dToday all high and Upper-middle income countries are Western.

IF GDP for Maldivies is $435 million in 2012 and the GDP per capita is $1576.087 the population of the country must be ?



c 0.276

d 3.623

View Answer 276,000

If GDP for Palau a small country near southeast of the Philippines is $130 million in 2012 and its population is 20,000 GDP per capita is ?

a 6500




View Answer 6500

Economic development refers to ?

aeconomic growth

beconomic growth plus changes in (c) output distribution and economic structure

cimprovement in the well-being of the urban population

dsustainable increase in Gross National Product

IF GNP per capita at constant prices for Liechtenstein a microstate of 29,000 people located on the Rhine River between Switzerland and Austri is US$555 and US$560 in 2011 and 2012 respectively, the real economic growth from 2011 to 2012 is ?

a 5%




View Answer 0.901%

Tuvalu is composed of 9 coral atolls along a 360-mile chain in Polynesia They gained independence in 1978 The former Ellice Island are home to 9,700 people if GNP of Tuvalu is $300 million in 2005 GNP per capital is ?

a9700 (1978 / 2005)

b300 / 360

c300 000 000 / 9700


View Answer 300 000 000 / 9700

Lespeyres type indexes use weights from_____________?

acurrent period



dfuture year

View Answer future year

In an Open economy leakage to imports ____________ the value of the multiplier ?



cdo not change

d None of the above

View Answer reduce

The total multiplier for the economy will reflect ?

aMPC and MPT

bMPT and MPZ

cMPC and MPZ


View Answer MPC, MPT and MPZ

For given government spending and taxation the government budget deficit will grow in _________ and decline in __________?

abooms, booms

brecession, recession

cbooms, recessions

drecessions, booms

View Answer recessions, booms

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