Economics MCQs

Page No. 374

A reduced share of the world export market for the United States would be attributed to?

aDecreased productivity in U.S manufacturing

bHigh incomes of American households

cRelatively low interest rates in the United States

dHigh levels of investment by American corporations

Technological improvements are similar to international trade since they both ?

aProvide benefits for all producers and consumers

b Increase the nation’s aggregate income

cReduce unemployment for all domestic workers

d Ensure that industries can operate at less than full capacity

The real income of domestic producers and consumers can be increased by ?

aTechnological progress, but not international trade

bInternational trade but not technological progress

cTechnological Progress and international trade

d Neither technological progress nor international trade

For the United States automobiles are ?

aImported, but not exported

bExported, but not imported

cExported and imported

dNeither imported not exported

View Answer Exported and imported

Recent pressures for protectionism in the United States have been motivated by all of the following except ?

aU.S firms shipping component production overseas

bHigh profit levels for American corporations

cSluggish rates of productivity growth in the United States

dHigh unemployment rates among America workers

Major trading partners of the United States including all of the following countries except ?




dNorth Korea

View Answer North Korea

Increased foreign competition tend to ?

aIntensify inflationary pressure at home

bInduce falling output per worker-hour for domestic workers

cPlace constraints on the wages of domestic workers

d Increase profits of domestic import competing industries

Which American industry has least been affected by import competition in recent years ?



c Radios and TVs

dComputer software

View Answer Computer software

International trade is based on the idea that ?

aExports should exceed imports

bimports should exceed exports

cResources are more mobile internationally than are goods

dResources are less mobile internationally than are goods

International trade forces domestic firms to become more competitive in terms of ?

aThe introduction of new products

bProduct design and quality

cProduct price

dAll of the above

View Answer All of the above

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