Economics MCQs

Page No. 336

According to the Heckscher-Ohlin model ?

aeveryone automatically gains from trade

bThe gainers from trade outnumber the losers from trade

cThe scarce factor necessarily gains from trade

dNone of the above

In his empirical test of comparative advantage Wassily Leontief found that ?

aU.S exports are capital intensive relative to U.S imports

bU.S imports are labor intensive relative to U.S exports

cU.S exports are neither labor nor capital intensive

dNone of the above

View Answer None of the above

The Heckshcer-Ohl assumes that are indentical between countries?

atastes and preferences

b technology levels

c factor indowments

dBoth A and B

View Answer Both A and B

One of the predictions of the Heckscher-Ohlin model is that ?

acountries with different factor endowments but similar technologies and preferences will have a strong basis for trade with each other

bcountries with tend to specialize but not completely in their comparative advantage good

c reciprocal demand leads to an equilibrium terms of trade by inducing change in both demand and supply

dAll of the above

View Answer All of the above

If tastes are identical between countries, then comparative advantage is determined by ?

a supply condition only

b demand conditions only

c supply and demand conditions

dcan’t tell without more information

Industrial policies intended to foster comparative advantage for domestic industries could result in the implementation of ?

aresearch and development subsidies

bloan guarantees

clow interest rate loans

dAll of the above

View Answer All of the above

The product cycle theory of trade is essentially a ?

astatic, short run trade theory

b dynamic long run trade theory

czero-sum theory of trade

dnegative-sum theory of trade

The Heckscher-Ohl in model rules out the classical model’s basis for trade by assuming that _________ is (are) identical between countries?

afactor endowments

bfactor intensities


dopportunity costs

View Answer technology

Declining costs per unit of output results from international trade especially if ?

a Ininternational trade affords producers monopoly power

b National governments levy imports tariffs and quotas

cProducing goods entails increasing costs

dEconomies of scale exist for producers

Dynamic comparative advantage theory ?

a helps explain why some nations use industrial policy to support potentially competitive new firms

bcannot explain strategic competition between firms such as Boeing and Airbus

c Is another name for Ricardo’s comparative advantage theory

d None of the above

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