Economics MCQs

Page No. 338

Wassily Leontief’s results can be interpreted as ?

a evidence against the Ricardi an model

bevidence against the Heckscher-Ohl in model

csupport for the Ricardian model

dsupport for the Heckcher Ohlin model

Leontief’s result were considered paradoxical because the United Stated was believed to be ?

atechnologically efficient relative to the rest of the world

bcapital abundant relative to the rest of the world

c labor abundant relative to the rest of the world

dAll of the above

In his empirical tests, Wassily Leontief used an input-output table to ?

acalculate the capital and labor required to produce $1 million of U.S exports and imports

b calculate the labor productivity of America workers relative to foreign workers

ccalculate the capital productivity of American capital relative to foreign capital

dAll of the above

Wassily Leontief used an input output table in order to test the ?

a Ricardian theory of comparative advantage

b Heckscher Ohl in theory of comparative advantage

cLinder theory of overlapping demand

dAll of the above

The Heckscher-Ohlin theorem states that a country will have comparative advantage in the good whose production in relatively intensive in the with which the country is relatively abundant ?

a tastes



dopportunity cost

View Answer factor/resource

By reducing the volume of trade transportation costs tend to ?

a stop the process of product price equalization and factor price equalization before they are complete:

bensure that the process of product price equalization and factor price equalization are complete

celiminate all of the feasible gains from international trade

d maximize all of the feasible gains from international trade

The analyzes the income distribution effects of trade in the short run when resources are immobile among industries ?

aStolpher-Samuelson theory

bfactor endowment theory

cspecific factors theory

doverlapping demand theory

The comparative advantage model of Ricardo was based on ?

a intraindustry specialization and trade

b interindustry specialization and trade

cdemand conditions underlying specialization and trade

d income conditions underlying specialization and trade

According to the Heckscher-Ohlin model the source of comparative advantage is a country’s ?

a technology


cfactor endowments

dboth (a) and (c)

View Answer factor endowments

Difference in environmental standards or other government regulations among nations ?

ahave no impact on patterns of international trade

bhave tended to make U.S steel companies more competitive internationally

c can affect production costs and thus alter comparative advantages and trade patterns

dhave been eliminated by the nations participating in NAFTA

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