Economics MCQs

Page No. 334

According to the classical economists the economy ?

arequires fine tuning to reach full employment

b can never deviate from full employment

cwill never be at full employment

d is self-correcting.

Prices that do not always adjust rapidly to maintain equality between quantity supplied and quantity demanded are ?

amarket prices

bsticky prices

c fixed prices

dregulatory prices

View Answer sticky prices

In food demand growth equation D = Φ + a E, a is the income elasticity of demand for food E is the per capita income growth and Φ is ?

aPoverty rates

bfood security index

cchange in the quantity of food demanded per capita

dpopulation growth

View Answer population growth

A set of alternative commodity bundles that a person can command in a society using the totality of rights and opportunities that he possesses is known as ?

aProduction possibilities


c income distribution


Which of the following NOT a cause of food insecurity, according to Nic Maunder, a specialist on Ethiopia ?

aWar and bad governance

bCorruption and mismanagement

c Poor roads

dAid from developed nations

Which of the following is not among the most advanced global food chain cluster with headquarters in the US ?




dProcter & Gamble

View Answer Procter & Gamble

Which of the following statement about rural and agricultural development is true ?

a Rural development is the same as agricultural development

b The agrarian community requires a full range of services such as schools merchants banks and so on

cHousehold nonfarm income is uncorrelated to farm productivity and uncorrelated to farm productivity and household incomes in Kenya

dChina’s rural population receives little income from nonfarm income

Which of the following is not a consequence of growing agricultural commercialization ?

aAn increase in the number of landless laborers

bAn increase in rural poverty

cWomen gain in decision making power

dWorkers nutrition is reduced

Most of Latin America has been characterized by ______ large land-grand estates owned by the few and ________ small poor holdings that rarely provide adequate employment for a family ?

amultitudinous latitudinous

blatifundios, minifundios

c feudum, nocere

dGrameen, repetto

Which of the following is a form of urban bais ?

aTax incentive and subsidies to infant industry

bTariff and quota protection for industry

cSpending more for education training housing, health and transport in urban areas than in rural areas.

dA , B and C

View Answer A , B and C

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