Economics MCQs

Page No. 332

JCB (Which makes agricultural and construction equipment) has the opportunity to purchase a new factory today that will provide them with a Rs50 million return four years from now If prevailing interest rates are 6 percent, what is the maximum that the project can cost for JCB to be willing to undertake the project ?

a Rs 43,456,838

bRs 53,406,002

cRs 34,538,902

d Rs 39,604,682

View Answer Rs 39,604,682

The amount today that would be needed, at prevailing interest rates, to produce a particular sum in the future is known as ?

afuture value

bfair value

cpresent value

dcompound value

View Answer present value

The regarding the new classical macroeconomics is hoe realistic is the assumption ?

athat monetary policy affects aggregates demand

b that markets do not clear quickly

cthat fiscal policy affects aggregate demand

d of rational expectations.

It is difficult to determine if the velocity of money is constant over time because ?

ait is difficult to measure the value of nominal GDP over time

b there has been very little fluctuation in the money supply over time.

cit is difficult to measure the demand for money over time

d whether velocity is constant or not may depend on how the money supply is measure.

The quantity theory of money implies that a given percentage change in the money supply will cause?

aan equal percentage change in nominal DGP.

ban equal percentage change in real GDP

c a larger percentage change in nominal GDP

da smaller percentage change in nominal

People are said to have rational expectations if they ?

aassume that this year’s inflation rate will be the same as last year’s inflation rate B. merely guess at the inflation rate.

bmerely guess at the inflation rate.

cassume that this year’s inflation rate will be equal to the average inflation rate over the past 10 years

d Use all available information in forming their expectations.

The hypothesis that people know the true model of the economy and that they use this model to form their expectations of the future is the ?

aRational-expectations hypothesis

bPassive-expectations hypothesis

cadaptive expectations hypothesis

dlagged-expectations hypothesis.

The nation that the government can establish the macroeconomic is known as ?

afine tuning


c microeconomics foundations of macroeconomics

d the classical model

View Answer fine tuning

According of Keynes, the level of employment is determined by ?

a the behaviour of trade unions

b the quantity of money

cprice and wages

d the level of aggregate demand for goods and services

According to classical models, the level of employment is determined primarily by ?

athe level of aggregate demand for goods and services.

bprices and wages

cinterest rates

dthe quantity of money

View Answer prices and wages

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