Economics MCQs

Page No. 335

Amartya K. Sen emphasizes that having enough to eat depends on ?

asociety’s system of entitlement

ban egalitarian income distribution

c low poverty rates

dsociety’s high Gini concentration

Which of the following colonial policy contribute further to today’s agricultural underdevelopment in Africa ?

aColonial governments compelled farmers to grow selected crops

bColonialists failed to train African agricultural scientists and managers

c Research and development concentrated on food production and small farmers and herders.

db and c

View Answer b and c

Which index combines measures of calorie availability (in relation to requirement) the growth of per capita daily energy supply food production food staples self-sufficiency, and variability of food production and consumption ?

afood sufficiency index

bfood security index

cfood self-intake index

dfood growth index

View Answer food security index

Which of the following is not a major factor raising LDC agricultural labor productivity ?

anew biological chemical mechanical inputs in production

b new technical and organizational knowledge from greater specialization

cexpanded markets for agricultural output

d massive government intervention

Which scholar argues the following Plantations have no significant advantage over peasants [for] crops for which centralized processing and marketing are not necessary Cocoa and coconuts are typical examples of a lack of large scale economies Peasants can grow and process these crops in small lots with no large capital requirement beyond small indigenous tools and facilities ?

aYujiro Hayami

bRaanan Weitz

cHans Singer

dTim Dyson

View Answer Yujiro Hayami

Which of the following is not true about the specialized farm ?

a Such a farm is the most advanced

b Such a farm usually emphasizes

cSuch a farm is labor intensive

dSuch a farm uses advanced technology and takes advantage of economies of scale.

Which of the following is not true about most farmers in LDCs ?

aThe staple crop is the chief sources of food

blabor is underutilized except for planting and harvesting seasons

cOn the traditional farm, output is always greater than consumption

dcultivators farm only as much land as their

According to the factor price equalization theorem, the ________ factor should oppose free. trade policies in any given country?

a abundant



d can’t tell without more information

View Answer scarce

By adjusting the model of comparative advantage to include transportation costs along with production costs we would expect ?

aThe prices of trade goods to be lower than when there are no transportation costs

bspecialization to stop when the production costs of the trading partners equalize

cThe volume of trade to be less than when there are no transportation costs

dThe gains from trade to be greater than when there are no transportation costs

Advocates of industrial policy maintain that government should ?

apursue free trade as a policy that leads to maximum global efficiency

b grant subsidies to firms offering potential comparative advantage

cprovide loans to domestic workers in exporting industries

dincrease interest rates on loans made to firms in import-competing industries

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