Civil Engineering MCQs

Page No. 95

Carpet area does not include the area of_________________?

a The walls along with doors and other openings

b Bath room and lavatory

cKitchen and pantry

d All the above

View Answer All the above

The expected out turn of 12 mm plastering with cement mortar is_______________?

a2.5 sq m

b4.0 sq m

c6.0 sq m

d 8.0 sq m

View Answer 8.0 sq m

The measurement is made for stone work in square metre in case of________________?

aWall facing

bColumns, lintels, copings

c Building work

d A. and D. of the above

The total length of a cranked bar through a distance D. at 45° in case of a beam of effective length L, is_________________?

a L + 0.42 d

b L + (2 × 0.42 d)

c L – (0.42 d)

d L – (2 × 0.4 d)

View Answer L + (2 × 0.42 d)

The concrete work for the following part of the building of specified thickness is measured in square metres_______________?

aRoot slabs


c Wall panels

dAll the above

View Answer All the above

A portion of an embankment having a uniform up-gradient 1 in 500 is circular with radius 1000 m of the centre line. It subtends 180° at the centre. If the height of the bank is 1 m at the lower end, and side slopes 2:1, the earth work involved ?

a26,000 m3

b26,500 m3

c27,000 m3

d27,500 m3

View Answer 27,500 m3

Anti-siphonage pipe is connected to__________________?

a Main soil pipe

b Bottom of P trap W.C.

cTop of P trap W.C.

dSide of water closet

View Answer Top of P trap W.C.

The reduced levels of points, 30 metres apart along the longitudinal section of a road portion between chainages 5 and 9 are shown in the given figure. If there is a uniform up-gradient of the road 120 in 1, the chainage of the point with no filling or cutting is__________________?

a(6 + 15) chains

b(6 + 12) chains

c (6 + 18) chains

dNone of these

View Answer (6 + 12) chains

The item of the brick structure measured in sq.m, is___________________?

a Reinforced brick work

b Broken glass coping

cBrick edging

d Brick work in arches

According to ISI method of measurement, the order of the sequence is_________________?

aLength, breadth, height

bBreadth, length, height

c Height, length, breadth

dNone of these

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