Sociology MCQs

Page No. 9

There are three basic sources of power within any political system ?

aforce influence and authority

bforce influence and democracy

cforce legitimacy and charisma

dinfluence charisma and bureaucracy

The systematic widespread withdrawal of investment in basic aspects of productivity such as factories and plants are called ?



cpost industrialization

d“banana time”

View Answer deindustrialization

Pakistan with a population of 160 million stands as the _______ largest population country?




dNone of these

View Answer Sixth

Urbanization is a ______ process ?

aStraight lined



dNone of these

View Answer Cyclical

Urbanization Causes many Social problems as___________?




dAll of the above

View Answer All of the above

In comparison with industrial cities preindustrial cities had ?

arelatively open class systems

bextensive social mobility

ca much more rigid division of labor by gender

dall of the above

The trend toward urbanization is most advanced in ?




dNone of these

View Answer Japan

The ecological approach to urban sociology involved studying ?

ahow social groups colonized different areas of the city and competed for resources

bthe forms of wildlife and natural habitats that could be found on the edges of the city

cthe way in which people organized collective protests about environmental issues

dhow men and women used the city’s public spaces differently

Cultural restructuring has involved ?

aregenerating cities in economic decline

bturning industrial landscapes into tourist attractions

cselling sites and images through the symbolic economy of media advertising

dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

According to Castells Which of the following is a world city ?



cBuenos Aires


View Answer Frankfurt

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