Sociology MCQs

Page No. 106

Which of the following is not a characteristic of ideology according to the critical conception of ideology ?





View Answer neutral

Which sociological perspective examines human activities on the micro level by focusing on how day-to-day social behavior is shaped by the distinctive norms, values and demands of a particular society ?

afunctionalist perspective

bconflict perspective

cinteractionist perspective

dNone of these

Comte argued that knowledge passed through which three stages ?

atheological metaphysical positive

bignorance understanding truth

cphilosophical biological sociological

dfunctionalist marxist interactionist

Who became the first ever Professor of Sociology ?

aGeorge Herbert Mead

bTalcott Parsons

cEmile Durkheim

dRobert Merton

View Answer Emile Durkheim

What did Max Weber understand by the spirit of capitalism ?

athe exploitation of the working class

bthe desire for more material wealth

cthe continual reinvestment of profits back into businesses

dthe belief in free markets

Which of the following has not been central to feminist theorizing ?

amale domination in society

bmale bias in sociological theory

cthe gendered character of knowledge

dthe experience of black women

Which of these is most closely associated with Marx,s thinking ?



csocial facts


View Answer conflict

Which of the following theorists rejects the notion of essential categories of male and female through her discussion of the performative aspect of gender ?

aJoan Acker

bJudith Butler

cHelene Cixous

dSimone de Beauvoir

View Answer Judith Butler

Which of the following ins NOT a key theme in Michel Foucault’s writing ?

athe hyperreality of media imagery

bthe significance of expert discourses

csocieties use of surveillance and discipline

dthe archaeology of scientific knowledge

Weber said that all knowledge is value-relevant because_____________?

asociologists like to put a value on different theories

bknowledge refers to people and their values

ctheorists interpret the world in terms of their own values

dattempts to provide knowledge about the world are always valuable

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