Sociology MCQs

Page No. 105

A university that serves as a meeting ground for people seeking marital partners is performing_______________?

aa manifest function

ba latent function

ca dysfunction

da manifest dysfunction

View Answer a latent function

Which sociological perspective examines human activities on the micro level by is shaped by the distinctive norms values and demands of a particular society ?

afunctionalist perspective

bconflict perspective

cinteractionist perspective

dpsychological perspective

Max Weber_____________?

arecognized that it is impossible for scholars to prevent their personal values from influencing their work

bstressed that researchers had to maintain the confidentiality of their subjects

cemphasized that under no conditions could a researcher allow his or her personal feelings to influence the interpretation of data

dall of the above

A list of cultural universals was compiled by anthropologist_______________?

aMax Weber

bGeorge Murdock

cMargaret Mead

dWilliam F. Ogburn

View Answer George Murdock

In the United States we often formalize norms into_____________?





View Answer laws

Sociologist Alvin Goldner sees Erving Goffman’s work on social behavior as implicitly reaffirming the status quo especially social class inequalities Gouldner,s critique is associated with the_____________?

afunctionalist perspective

bconflict perspective

cinteractionist perspective

dpsychoanalytic perspective

View Answer conflict perspective

An important aspect of labelling theory is the recognition that some people or groups have the power to define labels and apply them to others This view recalls the emphasis placed on the social significance of power by the______________?

afunctionalist perspective

bconflict perspective

cinteractionist perspective

danomie theory of deviance

View Answer conflict perspective

A Hispanic woman and a Jewish man working together as computer programmers for an electronics from overcome their initial prejudices and come to appreciate each other,s strengths and talents This is an example of____________?

athe contact hypothesis

ba self-fulfilling prophecy


dreverse discrimination

Which sociological perspective would note that poor and rural sections of the United States tend to be underserved because medical service concentrate where people are numerous or wealthy ?

afunctionalist perspective

bconflict perspective

cinteractionist perspective

dneo-Malthusian view

View Answer conflict perspective

When Comet wrote of sociology as a positive science he meant ?

athat it should show people in the best possible light

bthat it should attempt to appeal to as many people as possible

cthat it should apply the same methods as physics or chemistry

dthat it should progress by positing new concepts and theories

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