Sociology MCQs

Page No. 101

To compliment your professor for delivering a particularly inspiring lecture would be to comment on his/her ?

arole modelling

bascribed status

cstatus conception

drole performance

View Answer role performance

Which of the following statements concerning roles is FALSE ?

aA single status may have multiple roles attached to it

bA role does not exist in isolation but is integrated with the activities of other people

cRoles define duties but only statuses define rights

dGroups consist of complexes of interlocking roles

People waiting for a bus are an example of a(n) ?




dtransitory collective

View Answer aggregate

Horticultural societies______________?

ahave no specialized and enduring work groups governments, or standing armies

bexhibit increased power of the state and size of the territory it controls

cexperience the emergence of social stratification due to production of a social surplus

dhave complex divisions of labor and exchange relationships

Which of the following is an aspect of culture ?

aa comic book

bpatriotic attachment to the flag of the United States

cburial of a family pet in a cemetery plot

dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

Social institutions are_____________?

aGod-given and cannot be changed

bBuildings and people who operate them

cConstellation of folkways and mores

dNone of these

View Answer None of these

While vacationing in Great Britain an American discover that the British drive on the “Wrong” side of the road are critical of his United States accent and will not accept dollars in stores He feel disoriented and out of place and thus are experiencing ?


bthe Hawthorne effects

cthe Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

dculture shock

View Answer culture shock

Which sociological perspective emphasizes that ethnocentrism that ethnocentrism serves to maintain a sense of solidarity by promoting group pride ?

afunctionalist perspective

bconflict perspective

cinteractionist perspective

ddramaturgical perspective

Which of the following was not identified as a defining feature of culture ?

aCulture is symbolic

bCulture is transmitted

cCulture is cumulative

dCulture is shared

View Answer Culture is symbolic

Language is usually considered to be_______________?

aa flexible system of symbols

bessential for cultural integration

ca cultural barrier

da key cultural marker

View Answer a key cultural marker

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