Sociology MCQs

Page No. 100

Which sociological perspective emphasizes that ethnocentrism serves to maintain a sense of solidarity by promoting group pride ?

afunctionalist perspective

bconflict perspective

cinteractionist perspective

ddramaturgical perspective

The approximately 2 million Native Americans represent a diverse array of cultures distinguishable by_____________?


bfamily organization


dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

The process by which cultural traits spread from one group of society to another is called_____________?


bcounter culture

ccultural complexes

dcultural diffusion

View Answer cultural diffusion

The psychological stress caused when a person faces rapid cultural change is called_____________?

aCultural shock

brole strain

crole conflict

dNone of these

View Answer Cultural shock

Social facts have their independent existence and must be studied likewise Who remarked above when discussing scientific method ?


bEmile Durkheim

cAuguste Conte

dNone of these

View Answer Emile Durkheim

Alteration is the state of affairs in which_____________?

athe society has no norms and if there are any nobody follows them

bthe individual has no claim over the product that he has finished

cthe worker is least emotionally related to the product that he develops the co-workers and the work environment

dNone of these

View Answer None of these

Songs languages and orchestral performances are examples of______________?

anonmaterial culture

bmaterial culture


dproprietary culture

View Answer nonmaterial culture

Which of the following is NOT an example of an American folkway ?

athe custom of chewing food with one,s mouth closed

bthe practice of shaking hands when greeting someone for the first time

cthe courtesy of arriving on time for a religious service

dthe habit of driving on the right-hand side of the road

The patterned and recurrent aspects of life that appear in all known societies are called_____________?

acultural relativism

brequisite societal composition

ccultural universals


View Answer cultural universals

A subculture ?

ais always at odds with the ways of the larger society

bis a set of patterned and recurrent aspects of life that appear in all known societies?

cincludes members of a group that participate in the main culture while sharing another culture

duses a value-free approach that views people from the perspective of their own culture

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