Economics MCQs

Page No. 370

Tariffs are used to protect infant industries these industries are those which ?

aemploy many young or untrained workers

bare competing with well-established overseas firms

care not yet large enough to achieve economies of scale

d use a new technology

If the Uk placed a limit on the amount of steel that could be imported into the UK in a particular period this would be an example of ?

aa quota


ca tariff

dan export subsidy

View Answer a quota

One of the main advantages of trade economists suggest is ?

atechnological change

bcompetitions with foreign suppliers

cdevelopment of tourism

dlower tariffs

A country has a comparative advantage in the production of a product if the good’s _____ cost in different from the good’s _____ cost in another country ?

aresource; resource

bforeign exchange money

copportunity; opportunity

dmoney; opportunity

A significant portion of actual world trade patterns results from ?

aThe industrial policies of governments

bdifferent sizes of the countries

cdifferent factor endowment between countries

dthe different tastes and preferences of people in different countries

The most wave of globalization which began in the 1980s has emphasized the outsourcing of ?

a services and white-collar jobs

bmanufacturing and blue-collar jobs

cnatural resource extraction and mining jobs

dagriculture and farming jobs

A sudden shift from import tariffs to free trade may induce short-term unemployment in ?

aImport-competing industries

bIndustries that are only exporters

c Industries that sell domestically as well as export

d industries that neither import nor export

For the United States, commercial jetliners are ?

a Imported, but not exported

bExported, but not imported

cImported and exported

dNeither exported nor imported

View Answer Imported and exported

International trade in goods and services tends to ?

aIncrease all domestic costs and prices

bKeep all domestic costs and prices at the same level

cLessen the amount of competition facing home manufacturers

dIncrease the amount of competition facing home manufacturers

A feasible effect of international trade is that a (an) ?

aMonopoly in the home market becomes an oligopoly in the world market

bOligopoly in the home market becomes a monopoly in the world market

cPurely competitive firm in the home market becomes an oligopolist

dpurely competitive firm in the home market becomes a monopolist

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