Economics MCQs

Page No. 371

International trade tends to cause welfare losses to at least some groups in a country ?

aThe less mobile the country’s resources

bThe more mobile the country’s resources

cThe lower the country’s initial living standard

dThe higher the country’s initial living standard

Free traders maintain that an open economy is advantageous is that it provides all of the following except ?

a Increased competition for world producers

bA wider selection of products for consumers

cThe utilization of the most efficient production methods

dRelatively high wages levels for all domestic workers

For the United states, exports plus imports are about _____ of its gross national product?

a5 percent

b10 percent

c 25 percent

d55 percent

View Answer 25 percent

The largest amount of trade with the United States in recent years has been conducted by ?




dUnited Kingdom

View Answer Canada

Arguments for free trade are sometimes disregarded by politicians because ?

aMaximizing domestic efficiency is not considered imports

bMaximizing consumer welfare may not be a chief priority

cThere exist sound economic reasons for keeping one’s economy isolated from other economies

dEconomists tend to favor high protected domestic markets

The movement to free international trade is most likely to generate short-term unemployment in which industries ?

a Industries in which there are neither imports nor exports

bImports competing industries

cIndustries that sell to domestic and foreign buyers

dIndustries that sell to only foreign buyers

If a nation has an open economy it means that the nation ?

a Allows private ownership of capital

bHas flexible exchange rates

cHas fixed exchange rates

dconducts trade with other countries

A main advantage of specialization results from ?

aEconomies of large-scale production

b The specializing country behaving as a monopoly

cSmaller production runs resulting in lower unit costs

dHigh wages paid to foreign workers

If a country has a burden of debt it cannot sustain it can ?

areschedule debt

bget a loan from an international organization

cdefault on the loan

d any of the above

View Answer any of the above

Import substitution is the replacement of ____ by domestic production _____ protection of ________?

aexports, subsidies

bexports, patents

cimports, high tariffs or import quotas

dimports, subsidies

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