Economics MCQs

Page No. 368

Shortly after 1979 World Bank introduced loans that emphasized reforms in trade, agriculture industry public enterprise financial energy education or other sectors and were know as ?

aStructural adjustment loans

bsectoral adjustment loans

c internal adjustment loans

d external leverage loans

Which of the following factors potentially increased the vulnerability to the 1997 Asian financial and currency crisis ?

atrade account surplus

bmassive reverse outflows of capital

ctechnological transfer from DCs

dSymmetric informational in financial market

Net transfers are______________?

ainvestment loans, and grants from overseas minus international resource outflows

bnet international resource flows minus net international interest payments and profit remittances

cinternational resource outflows minus international balance of payments and profit remittances

dforeign direct investment inflow minus investment loans and grants from overseas

Which of the following country did Not suffer from increased poverty from debt and financial crises in the 1990s ?

aSingapore (1994)

bMexico (1994)

c Russia (1998)

dBrazil (1998)

View Answer Singapore (1994)

Which of the following country did not experience large capital flights from 1976 to 1984 ?





View Answer Canada

A country’s total external debt (EDT) includes ? I. short term debt with a maturity of one year or less II. long-term debt with a maturity of more than one year III. repurchase obligations to the IMF IV. IV public official development assistance

aI and II only

b III and IV only

cI, II and III only

dI, II and IV only

View Answer I, II and III only

LDCs often have a comparative advantage in the production of ?

aprimary products

bintermediate products

cmanufactured products

d financial services

View Answer primary products

Output fell sharply in the transition economies because ?

abanks were unable to function

bthere was little corporate control

cvital infrastructure was missing

dAll of the above

View Answer All of the above

If goods are exported for less than society’s marginal production cost and the marginal benefit to domestic consumers, it is likely that they benefit from?

aan import subsidy

ba quota

ccomparative advantage

dan export subsidy

View Answer an export subsidy

A tariff causes domestic firms to ________ and consumers to?

aoverproduce, under consume

bOverproduce, overconsume

cunderproduce, under consume

dunderproduce, overconsume

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