Sociology MCQs

Page No. 92

According to Castles and Miller which ONE of these is NOT a developing tendency in migration ?





View Answer deceleration

How has the global human population grown between the Industrial Revolution of around 1750 and 2013 ?

a771 million to 7.1 billion

b1.65 billion to 7.1 billion

c771 million to 8.2 billion

d1.65 million to 8.2 billion

How do sociologists describe former Third World societies that have moved towards an economic base in industrial production ?

adeveloping countries

bperipheral countries

cglobalizing countries

dnewly industrializing countries

Wallerstein’s world-systems theory is inspired by______________?


binteraction ism


dPost structuralism

View Answer Marxism

Which of the following is not part of the argument made against globalization by sceptics ?

aregionalization is occurring not globalization

beconomic globalization is occurring not political globalization

ctrading blocs are effective not a global economy

dnational governments are most significant not international institutions

The thesis of glocalization is associated with which theorist ?

aUlrich Beck

bKenichi Ohmae

cRoland Robertson

dJudith Butler

View Answer Roland Robertson

Which of these classification terms when in use would never have been used to describe for example Ghana in Africa ?


bglobal South

cmajority world

dsecond World

View Answer second World

Put the GDPs of these countries in descending order ______________?

aSweden Switzerland Norway Portugal

bSweden Norway Switzerland Portugal

cPortugal Switzerland Norway Sweden

dSwitzerland Norway Portugal Sweden

What proportion of the world’s annual wealth output is concentrated in high-income countries ?





View Answer 75%

In which sector do two-thirds of the world’s working children perform their labor ?

aWholesale and retail




View Answer agriculture

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