Sociology MCQs

Page No. 75

When sociologists study the structure of layers in society and people’s movement between them they call this____________?

asocial stratification

bsocial control

csocial conflict

dsocial solidarity

View Answer social stratification

The capitalist class of the mid-twentieth century were said to join the upper class because them___________?

aParticipated in the same leisure pursuits and events of the social calendar

bemulated the lifestyle and cultural values of the traditional aristocracy

cowned companies and financial assets that generated wealth through corporations

dhad direct personal ownerships of land and businesses as physical assets

Weber defined a class situation as____________?

athe exploitation of the working class by their capitalist employers

ba social groups consciousness of their status and life chances

ca person’s position in the capital product and labor markets based on their economic resources

dthe lifestyle of a social class as defined by patterns of consumption

Mass-society theory suggests that_______________?

athe content of the media is determined by market forces

bthe subordinate classes are dominated by the ideology of the ruling class

cthe media manipulate the masses as vulnerable passive consumers

daudiences make selective interpretations of media messages

Marx said that the development of the labor movement through factory-based production would turn the working class into____________?

aa class in itself

ba-class by itself

ca class for itself

da ruling class

View Answer a class for itself

Which one of the following is NOT associated with the materialist conception of history ?

athe mode of production

bthe motor of history

cthe history of class struggle

dthe spirit of capitalism

Which of the following is NOT associated with functionalism ?

aTalcott Parsons

bRalf Dahrendorf

cEmile Durkheim

dRobert Merton

View Answer Ralf Dahrendorf

Arlie Hochschild,s The Managed Heart is an influential application of_____________?

aemotional labor

bsymbolic interactionism

csocial action


According to Wright some class locations are contradictory because______________?

atheir holders do not believe in the notion of class

bthey share features of the positions above and below them

cthere is disagreement about how to interpret them

dthey are impossible for sociologists to measure and classify

The process of turning the class concept into something measurable is called_____________?

aoperational research

bmodus operandum


doperant conditioning

View Answer operational research

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