Sociology MCQs

Page No. 109

In its study of language, which sociological perspective focuses on how people rely on shared definitions of phrases expressions in both formal speech everyday conversation ?

afunctionalist perspective

bconflict perspective

cinteractionist perspective

dethnocentric perspective

In studying the strategies that students employ to create appearances after grades have awarded sociologists Daniel Albas and Cheryl Albas drew upon the concept of impression managements developed by______________?

aGeorge Herbert Mead

bCharles Horton Cooley

cErving Goffman

dJean Piaget

View Answer Erving Goffman

Which sociological perspective emphasizes that school in the United States foster competition through built-in systems of reward and punishment ?

afunctionalist perspective

bconflict perspective

cinteractionist perspective

dpsychological perspective

View Answer conflict perspective

Which sociology perspective emphasizes that societies literally could not function if massive numbers of people defied standards of appropriate conduct ?

afunctionalist perspective

bconflict perspective

cinteractionist perspective

dlabelling theory

The model minority stereotype of Asian Americans contains an implicit critique of Blacks Hispanics and others for failing to succeed as well as the model minority has Which sociological perspective would view this as yet another instance of blaming the victim ?

afunctionalist perspective

bconflict perspective

cinteractionist perspective

ddramaturgical approach

View Answer conflict perspective

The writings of Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim are examples of___________?

acyclical theory

bunilinear theory

cmultilinear theory

dconflict theory

View Answer unilinear theory

Feminist perspectives are distinctive in sociology because_______________?

aonly women can write from a feminist perspective

bother theoretical perspectives have not researched women

cthey emphasize the centrality of gender in social analysis

dmen and women view the world in different ways

Which one of the following is the odd one out _______________ ?

aGeorge Herbert Mead

bAntonio Gramsci

cErving Goffman

dHoward Becker

View Answer Antonio Gramsci

Which of the following is not a mode of production ?





View Answer liberalism

Talcott Parsons,s structural functionalism attempted to tackle ?

athe problem of class conflict

bthe problem of economic restructuring

cthe problem of social welfare

dthe problem of social order

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