Physiology MCQs

Page No. 3

The velocity of conduction in the Purkinjie fibers of the heart is__________________?

a1 to 4 m/sec

b5 to 8 m/sec

c9 to 12 m/sec

dMore than 12 m/sec

View Answer 1 to 4 m/sec

What is common between systemic and pulmonary circulation is_____________?

aVolume of the circulation per minute

bPeripheral vascular resistance

cPulse Pressure

dTotal Capacity

The function of Carotid body is_______________?

aMeasures the change in Po2 in arterial blood

bMeasures Po2 in venous blood

cMeasures the changed in CO2 in arterial blood

dMeasures the change in CO2 in venous blood

The dicrotic notch on the aortic pressure curve is caused by_________________?

aClosure of the pulmonary valve

bRapid filling of the left ventricle

cClosure of the aortic valve

dContraction of the atria

Parasympathetic stimulation of heart causes______________?

aSA node decreases firing

bIncreased AV node excitability

cDecreased ventricular contraction


The ventricular repolarization in ECG is best seen in_______________?

a“P” wave

b“Q” wave

c“R” wave

d“T” wave

View Answer “T” wave

Cardiac output is a measure of______________?

aPeripheral resistance X tissue fluid

bPeripheral resistance X cardiac rate

cBlood pressure X cardiac rate

dHeart rate X blood volume

The largest function of the total peripheral resistance is due to _________________?




dPrecapillary sphincters

View Answer Arterioles

Minimum blood pressure is in_____________?





View Answer Venules

Consider the following statements________________?

aStarling’s law of heart states that increase in force of contraction is directly related to cardiac ouput

bStaling’s law of heart states that the force of ventricular contraction is directly related to the end diastolic volume

cBoth A and B

dNone of the above

View Answer Both A and B

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