Physiology MCQs

Page No. 52

Peristalsis in the gut is due to ______________?

aPreperistalitic intestinal secretion

bMecharical distension

cSimultaneous action of circular and longitudinal muscles

dExtrinsic nervous influence

View Answer Mecharical distension

Secretin is secreted by_____________?





View Answer Duodenum

Of the following is a reflex mediated by vagus ?

aBile flow from liver

bPancreatic secretion of bicarbonate

cCephalic phase of gastric secretion

dMucous secretion from the Brunner’s glands

which of the following secretions has a very high pH________________?

aGastric juice

bPancreatic juice

cBile in gall bladder


View Answer Pancreatic juice

Trypsin is an activator of all of the following enzymes EXCEPT_______________?





View Answer Pepsinogen

The most important action of Secretin is to_____________?

aneutralize the acid from the stomach

bincrease secretion of bicarbonates by pancreas

cdecrease gastric secretion

dCause contraction of pyloric sphincter

Which is not produced enteroendocrinally_____________?

aIntrinsic factor




View Answer Intrinsic factor

Peristalsis involves coordinated contraction and relaxation______________?

aAbove and below the food bolus

bLateral and medial to food bolus

cDorsal and ventral to food bolus

dNone of the above

The intrinsic factor for vitamins B12 absorption is produced in the______________?





View Answer Stomach

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