Mechanical Engineering MCQs

Page No. 152

The value of the wavelength for maximum emissive power is given by ___________________?

aWien’s law

bPlanck’s law

cStefan’s law

dFourier’s law

View Answer Wien’s law

The unit of overall coefficient of heat transfer is___________________?


bkcal/hr °C

ckcal/m2 hr °C

dkacl/m hr °C

View Answer kcal/m2 hr °C

All radiations in a black body are___________________?





View Answer absorbed

According to Kirchoff’s law, the ratio of emissive power to absorptivity for all bodies is equal to the emissive power of a _________________?

agrey body

bbrilliant white polished body

cred hot body

dblack body

View Answer black body

Joule sec is the unit of_________________?

auniversal gas constant

bkinematic viscosity

cthermal conductivity

dPlanck’s constant

View Answer Planck’s constant

The concept of overall coefficient of heat transfer is used in case of heat transfer by________________?




dconduction and convection

In counter flow heat exchangers_________________?

aboth the fluids at inlet (of heat ex¬changer where hot fluid enters) are in their coldest state

bboth the fluids at inlet are in their hot¬test state

cboth the fluids .at exit are in their hottest state

done fluid is in hottest state and other in coldest state at inlet

Fourier’s law of heat conduction is valid for_________________?

aone dimensional cases only

btwo dimensional cases only

cthree dimensional cases only

dregular surfaces having non-uniform temperature gradients

LMTD in case of counter flow heat exchanger as compared-to parallel flow heat exchanger is _________________?




ddepends on the area of heat exchanger

View Answer higher

According of Kirchhoff’s law______________________?

aradiant heat is proportional to fourth power of absolute temperature

bemissive power depends on temperature

cemissive power and absorptivity are constant for all bodies

dratio of emissive power to absorptive power for all bodies is same and is equal to the emissive power of a perfectly black body

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