Economics MCQs

Page No. 78

People who are important in shaping your self-concept and whose approval you wish to have are_____________?

a. significant others

b generalized others

c the l and the me

d the ego and the superego

View Answer . significant others

Telling a child “You should always say thank you when someone gives you something is an example of____________?

aconscious socialization

bunconscious socialization

c subconscious socialization

dconscience socialization

Human infants in order to become successful adults need______________?


b social interaction

c body contact

d all of the above

View Answer all of the above

When one knows the roles that one is expected to play and is willing and able to do so one is_____________?

asuccessfully socialized



d a significant other

Successful socialization for humans requires_______________?

a the absence of others

bgenes alone

ccontact with other humans

dthe existence of schools or the media

Socialization involves the use of which process to turn a “horde of barbarians” into productive human beings ?

atrial and error


csymbolic and physical interaction


The “significant others” of Mead,s theory are____________?

aimportant because they provide the initial role models

bunimportant because models do not influence personality

cconstituted by governmental authorities who must be obeyed

dsimilar to the ego of Freud,s theory

What is one difference between Freuds developmental stages and Erikson’s ?

a Freud stopped at adolescence

bFreud thought all conflicts were conscious

c Freud saw conflicts with parents as predominant

dFreud only worked with males

Maturation is a term used by developmental psychologists to refer to______________?

a the development of personality


c the development of natural resources

dthe aging process or senescence

A person who is suddenly set down on a commune in rural China would most likely undergo ?

achange to conform to the Chinese modal personality

b the process of the Lookingglass

cthe process of resocialization

da severe anxiety attacks

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