Economics MCQs

Page No. 76

Kohlberg,s three stages of moral development are_______________?

a conventional post conventional and legal-rational

bpre-conventional authoritarian and post-conventional

cpre-conventional conventional and post-conventional

dcharismatic traditional and legal-rational

The succession of stages in Jean Piaget,s model of cognitive development is_______________?

a infancy childhood adolescence and adulthood

bearly childhood plays concrete operational and formal operational

c sensimotor pre-operational intuitive operational and concrete operational

dsensorimotor intuitive operational concrete operational and formal operational

Defense mechanisms function to________________?

aprotect the superego

b deceive sexual targets

cward off sexual advances

ddeflect anxiety

View Answer deflect anxiety

Freud located the “libido” ?

awithin the ld

bwithin family relations

c in the genital stage

dall of the above

View Answer within the ld

According to Freud the crucial institution for the development of personality is______________?


bthe family

cthe economy


View Answer the family

According to George H.Mead mind is________________?

athe acting subject as opposed to “object ”

b the source of experience

can emergent outcome of social acts

dnone of the above

View Answer none of the above

Anger is_______________?

aan innate human response to deprivation and frustration

b a definite sharply defined emotion

csubject to manipulation

d all of the above

View Answer all of the above

Absence of body contact and stimulation in infants inhibits_______________?

ainstinctual development

b development of higher learning functions

cbiological drives

daggressive behavior

Personality may be seen as a circular system in that____________?

aevery adult experience cycle back to childhood

b personality affects roles and vice-versa

call feelings revolve around the self

dall experience is based on preconceptions

When the lk of Uganda lost their traditional hunting grounds they ?

arapidly became shepherds

b their formerly outgoing personalities changed

cbecame savage warriors

dbecame outgoing accomplished entrepreneurs

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