Economics MCQs

Page No. 68

Corporations and labor unions_____________?

acannot contribute to congressional candidates

bmay establish their own PACs

cmay use union or corporate funds to administer PACs

dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

Whenever a third party becomes significant its platform _______________ ?

a is rejected by the two main parties

bis integrated into the platforms of the two main parties

cis declared unconstitutional

dbecomes a social movement

The transitional period between the dominance of one party or another is called_______________?





View Answer realignment

“Hard “money is_________________?

amoney actually tendered to campaigns

bcash rather than checks or notes

cmoney given during the campaign

dnone of the above

View Answer none of the above

The Democrats lost the presidential elections in 1984 and 1988 because of______________?

asplit ticket voting

b huge political gaffes

closs of direct contact with the electorate

drunning the wrong candidates

Political parties link_____________?

a PACs to Congress

b heterogeneous groups to coalitions

cextremists to government

d all of the above

Effective social movement leadership requires_______________?

ataking tactical advantage of trends and opportunities

bmarketing skills

cprocedures for succession

dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

Which of the following is NOT an interest group ?

a The National Rifle Association

bThe American Association of Retired people

c Lobbyists of America

dThe Southern Christian Leadership Conference

A modified version of elitist theory holds that_______________?

a elite members identify with middle-class values

b the masses can on occasion influence the elite

celites vary in their degree of openness

dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

What function do politicians serve according to pluralists ?

aFront men


cShills or decoys

d Power and interest brokers

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