Economics MCQs

Page No. 67

Specialized division of labor in industrial societies can make workers feel that they_______________?

ahave lack of control

b have no sense of accomplishment

c are an anonymous group

dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

Efficiency in economic terminology means________________?

ausing existing technology

b obtaining the highest output in the least amount of time

c ignoring the time factor

d making do with as few workers as possible

Which economic orientations govern Western industrial societies ?



cFree Market

d BOTH market and command

The main problem facing societies with a surplus is_____________________?

ahow to get rid of it

bwhat to produce how produce it and for whom to produce it

c there is no problem it is divided equally

d how to keep it away from enemies

The numbers of PACs ?

a doubled since 1974

btripled since 1074

cquadrupled since 1974

dincreased nearly sevenfold since 1974

The foremost advantage of a corporation is its_____________?

aability to accumulate vast amounts of capital in a short time

bcapacity for protracted periods of employment

c ability to profit from the labor of its employees

dnecessity to exhibit the latest technology

In most societies ownership of property takes one of three forms________________?

a restricted guarded and private

besthetic visible tangible

c communal private public

dambiguous hermetic contraceptive

Land labor capital and entrepreneurship are called__________________?

araw materials

bimpetus to upward mobility

c factors of production

d external devices

Each society must make the following decisions of an economic nature regarding the______________?

a time place and quantity of production

bassessment collection and counting of taxes

c measurement of land water and minerals

dproduction distribution and consumption of goods and services

Which resources are scarce in every society ?

a Fertile land

bWheat and com

c Food shelter and protective coverings

dSufficient males to mate with all the females

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