Economics MCQs

Page No. 365

The balance of payments is divided into two major accounts the ?

acurrent account the capital account

bcurrent account the trade account

ctrade account the capital account

dcurrent account the reserve account

The record of a country’s transactions in goods, services and assets with the rest of the world is its ?

a balance of trade

b capital account

c current account

dbalance of payments

View Answer balance of payments

Direct investment and security purchases are classified as ?

a capital account transactions

bcurrent account transactions

cunilateral transfer transactions

dmerchandise trade transactions

The argument that U.S current account deficits cause net job losses for Americans ?

ais true by definition in all possible circumstances

bis supported by recent U.S history

cfocuses only on the overall economy and is thus always true

dfails to recognize that a current account deficit is matched by an equal inflow of foreign funds which finances employment increasing investment spending

In balance of payments accounting tourism and travel are classified in the ?

amerchandise trade account

bservices account

c unilateral transfers account

dcapital account

View Answer services account

Purchases of government securities in the United States by foreigners is ?

aa credit item in the current account

ba debit item in the capital account

ca credit item in the capital account

da debit item in the current account

In the calculation of gross domestic product net exports are ?

athe sum of merchandise trade and services

bthe current account plus long-term capital

cthe value of merchandise exports minus imports

dshort-term capital plus the basic balance

A nation wishing to reduce its current account deficit would be advised to ?

aengage in more government spending

b reduce government taxes

cincreases private investment spending

ddecrease domestic consumption

Current account deficit are offset by______________?

amerchandise trade deficits

bmerchandise trade surpluses

ccapital/financial account surpluses

dcapital/financial account deficits

Debit entries on the balance of payments are the entries that would ?

amean a loss of foreign exchange

b bring foreign exchange into the country

cindicate a surplus exist

dexist at the bottom line after all accounts are totaled

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