Economics MCQs

Page No. 364

In the balance of payments travels and tourism are included in the category of ?

aunilateral transfers

bcapital account

c merchandise account

d services account

View Answer services account

The U.S balance of payments is constructed by ?

athe U.S Department of labor

bthe U.S Department of Agriculture

cthe U.S Department of commerce

d the council of Economic Advisers to the President

The role of _______ is to direct one nation’s savings into investments of another nation?

amerchandise trade flows

bservices flows

ccurrent account flows

dcapital flows

View Answer capital flows

All of the following are debit items in the balance of payments except ?

acapital outflows

b merchandise exports

cprivate gifts to foreigners

dforeign aid granted to other nations

A country’s transactions with the rest of the world are recorded in the ?

abalance of international indebtedness

bbalance of financial transactions

cbalance of payments

dincome statements

View Answer balance of payments

When all of the debit or credit items in the balance of payments are combined ?

amerchandise imports equal merchandise exports

bcapital imports equal capital exports

cservices exports equal services imports

d the total surplus or deficit equals zero

Credit (+) items in the balance of payments correspond to anything that ?

a involves receipts from foreigners

binvolves payments to foreigners

c increases the domestic money supply

d decreases the demand for foreign exchange

For the first time since World War I, in the mid-1980s the United States became a net international ?

a exporter




View Answer debtor

The difference between the balance on current account and the balance on capital account is the ?

astatistical discrepancy

b balance of payments

c balance of trade

d trade deficit

Which of the following statements is True ?

aThe overall sum of all the entries in the balance of payments must be positive

bA country runs a current account surplus if it sells more of its assets abroad than it buys abroad

c A country runs a capital account deficit if it imports more than it exports

dIf the current account is in surplus the capital account must be in deficit

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