Economics MCQs

Page No. 358

A tax of 20 rupees per unit of imported cheese would be an example of a (an) ?.

aCompound tariff

bEffective tariff

cAd valorem tariff

dSpecific tariff

View Answer Specific tariff

A progressive tax system is one where ?

amarginal tax rates are high.

b higher income taxpayers pay more taxes than do lower income taxpayers.

c marginal tax rates are low.

dhigher income taxpayers pay a greater percentage of their income in taxes than do lower income taxpayers.

The appropriate tax rate to consider judging the vertical equity of a tax system is the ?

a marginal tax rate

baverage tax rate

chorizontal tax rate

dproportional tax rate

View Answer average tax rate

An efficient tax ?

a minimizes the administrative burden form the tax

bdoes all the things describe in these answers

c raises revenue at the smallest possible cost to taxpayers.

dminimize the deadweight loss from the tax.

Sana values a pair of blue jeans at Rs400. If the price is Rs350 Sana buys the jeans and generates consumer surplus of Rs50 Suppose a tax is placed on blue jeans that causes the price of blue jeans to rise to Rs450 Now sana chooses not to buy a pair of?

athe deadweight has demonstrated

bthe ability-to-pay principle

c the benefits principle

d horizontal equity

When a tax distorts incentives to buyers and sellers so that fewer goods are produced and sold than otherwise the tax has ?

acaused a deadweight loss

b decreased equity

cgenerated no tax revenue

dincreased efficiency

If a tax on a good is doubled the deadweight loss from the tax ?


bstays the same

c increase by a factor of four.

dcould rise or fall

When a tax on a good start small and is gradually increased tax revenue ?

a will fall

bwill rise

cwill first rise and then fall

dwill first fall and then rise

Since the supply of undeveloped land is relatively inelastic a tax on undeveloped land would generate ?

a a small deadweight loss and the burden of the tax would fall on the renter

ba large deadweight loss and the burden of the tax would fall on the landlora

ca large deadweight loss and the burden of the tax would fall on the renter.

da small deadweight loss and the burden of the tax would fall on the landlord

A tax on petrol is likely to ?

agenerate a deadweight loss that is unaffected by the time period over which it is measured

b cause a greater deadweight loss in the long run when compared to the short run

cNone of these answers

d cause a greater deadweight loss in the short run when compared to the long run.

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