Economics MCQs

Page No. 357

With the tariff, the quantity of imports falls to ?

a12,000 units

b20,000 units

c30,000 units

d42,000 units

View Answer 20,000 units

With free trade the total quantity of imports would equal ?

a 10,000 units

b 40,000 units

c 42,000 units

d50,000 units

View Answer 40,000 units

In developed countries, tariffs on raw materials tend to be ?

a highest of all

bhigher than on manufactured goods

c equal to tariffs on manufactured goods

dlower than on manufactured goods

The difference between what consumers have to pay for a particular and what they are willing to pay is known as ?

aconsumer surplus

b producer surplus

cdeadweight costs

ddeadweight surplus

View Answer consumer surplus

_______ represents the difference between what consumer have to pay for a product and what they are willing and able to pay ?

aproducer surplus

bdeadweight surplus

c government surplus

d consumer surplus

View Answer consumer surplus

If a nation fitting the criteria for the small nation model imposes a 10 percent tariff on imports of autos ?

a The price of autos within the nation will rise by 10 percent

b The price of autos within the nation will rise by less than 10 percent

cThe price of autos within the nation will rise by more than 10 percent

dThe price of autos will not rise because of internal competition

A foreign-trade zone (FTZ) is ?

a a regional area within which trade with foreign nations is allowed

ba free trade agreement among several nations

c designed to limit exports of manufactured goods by placing export taxes on goods made within the zone

ddesigned to promote exports by deferring imports duties on intermediate inputs and waving such duties if the final product is re-exported rather than sold domestically

Most tariffs have ?

a only revenue effects

b only protective effects

cBoth protective and revenue effects

dneither protective or revenue effects

Ad valorem tariffs are collected as ?

afixed amounts of money per unit traded

b a percentage of the price of the product

c a percentage of the quantity of imports

dAll of the above

If we consider the impact on both consumers and producers, then protection of the steel industry is ?

aIn the interest of the U.S as a whole but not in the interest of the state of Pennsylvania where steel mills are located

b In the interest of the U.S as a whole and in the interest of the state of Pennsylvania

c Not in the interest of the U.S as a whole, but it might be in the interest of the state of Pennsylvania

dNot in the interest of the U.S as a whole, nor in the interest of the state of Pennsylvania

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