Economics MCQs

Page No. 304

A _______ allows a specified number of goods to be imported each year, and it not specifies from where the product is shipped and who is permitted to import ?

aimport quota

b export quota

cselective quota

d global quota

View Answer selective quota

According to the cost-based definition of dumping, dumping occurs when a firm sells a product abroad at a price that is less than ?

aaverage total cost

baverage variable cost

c average fixed cost

dmarginal cost

View Answer average total cost

The form of dumping that represents the greatest potential net welfare loss the for importing national is ?

apredatory dumping

bsporadic dumping

cpersistent dumping

d yearend dumping

View Answer predatory dumping

A attempts to limit outsourcing of jobs to foreigners by requiring that a minimum percentage of a product’s value must be produced domestically if that good is to be sold in the domestic market ?

adomestic subsidy

bvoluntary restraint agreement

cdomestic content requirement

dtariff-rate quota

A production subsidy that is granted to a producer of an import-competing good ?

adoes not require government taxes to finance it

byields the same deadweight welfare loss as an import tariff or import quota

c has only a consumption effect deadweight loss

dhas only a protective effect deadweight loss

international dumping may involve ?

aselling goods to foreigners at a price below that charged domestic consumers

bselling goods to foreigners at a price below the cost of production

cantidumping duties being levied on the imported, dumped goods

d All of the above

View Answer All of the above

Governments around the world tend to auction quota licenses ?

a never

b seldom


d always

View Answer seldom

________ are profits that accrue to whomever has the right to import the good that is restricted by the quota?

aquota license

bquota rents

cquota prices

dNone of the above

View Answer quota rents

Similar to import tariffs import quotas tend to result in ?

ahigher prices and reduced imports

bincreased government revenue

cincreased consumer surplus

ddecrease producer surplus

Quotas are government-imposed limits on the _________ of goods trade between countries?


b quantity



View Answer quantity

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