Economics MCQs

Page No. 302

The green house effect is the phenomenon by which ?

abiological diversity is dominant in agricultural production

bthe globe’s water pollution affects plankton

c the earth’s atmosphere traps infrared radiation

dclimatic changes occur naturally in the forest

Many environmental resources are public goods, which are characterized by ?

arivalry and exclusion in consumption

bnonrivalry and nonexclusion in consumption

crivalry but nonexclusion in production

dnonrivalry but exclusion in usage

According to Coase’s theorem when property rights are well defined and legally enforceable and transactions costs are not prohibitive ?

a population growth leads to rigid land rights

bparticipants will organize their transactions

c violence displacement erosion and poverty are minimized

dindividuals overuse of the biosphere is curtailed

Micheal Roemer’s three-sector model shows that growth in the booming export sector I- reduces the price of foreign exchange II- retards other sectors’ growth by reducing incentives to export other commodities III- reduces incentives to replace domestic goods for imports IV- raises factor and input prices for non-booming sectors ?

aI and III only

b II and III only

c I, II and III only

dI, II , III only IV

Which of the following country has 25 percent of the world’s estimated oil reserves and the lowest cost production as well as a dominant role in OPEC pricing ?


bSaudi Arabia


d Venezuela

View Answer Saudi Arabia

The government levying taxes on polluters or charging a surcharge for pesticide use are ?

aexamples of Coase’s theorem

b internalization of negative spillover effects

cmarginal abatement cost

dexamples of a free rider

Air pollution from automobile exhausts, and water pollution steel plants are examples of ?

a external economies

bnegative externalities

cinternal spilloverinternal spillover

dSocial distortion

Land and natural resources are considered ?

acapital accumulation

b common property resources



View Answer non-producible

The Genuine Progress indicator is ?

aalso known as index of Sustainable Economic Welfare per capita

bGDP plus resource depletion and environmental cost

cresource depletion and environmental cost divided by GDP per capita

dincreasing from 1976 to 2000

The Montreal Protocal, signed in 1987 and strengthened in 1990 ?

aattains the global optimal level of common property resource

brelies on internationally tradable emission permits

c minimizes free riders of public goods

dreduces ozone depletion through the cutting of chlorofluorocarbon production

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