Economics MCQs

Page No. 237

The best way to achieve economic growth is to ?

a increase government spending

b reduce taxation

csave more

d increase personal consumption

View Answer save more

The idea of convergence of GDP in Europe suggests that ?

aAll countries will eventually join the EEC

bPoorer countries have higher capital/labour ratios than richer countries.

cThe gap between countries GDP per head will widen

d Poorer less developed countries will catch up with richer ones.

Real business cycle theorists argue that _________ can explain short- and long-term fluctuation in output?

a imperfect labor markets

brational expectations

c intertertemporal decisions of households, firms and government

dsun spot cycles

The business cycle is not transmitted from one country to another through ?

aprivate sector imports and exports

beconomic policy

c the duration of compulsory education

d labor supply changes

Real business cycles are cycles in ?

apotential output

b actual output

creal output

d international trade

View Answer potential output

Real business cycle theory suggests that ____ not important in explaining short-term fluctuations around actual output ?

a aggregate supply is

baggregate demand is

cpotential output is

d real variables are

View Answer aggregate demand is

The theory that explains business cycles by the dynamic interaction of consumption and investment demand is the ?

asun spot theory

bmultiplier accelerator model

cSolow theory

d New classical theory

The growth rates of economies tend to converge because ________ is easier when capital per worker is low and because of?

a capital-widening technical innovation

bcapital-widening Catch-up in technology

ccapital-deepening technical innovation

dcapital-deepening, catch-up in technology

Economic growth may depend upon _____ and _____?

aPopulation size, x-efficiency

bPopulation age distribution, education

cPopulation growth technical progressPopulation growth technical progress

d Population growth education

In the neoclassical theory of growth a higher saving rate leads to ?

aa higher growth rates

ba fluctuating growth rate

c a fluctuating growth rates

dno change in the growth rate

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