Economics MCQs

Page No. 236

The multiplier accelerator model assumes ____ depends on ______?

a consumption expected future profits

b investment, interest rates

cinvestment expected future profits

dstock building interest rates

All of the following are parts of the business cycle except ?





View Answer acceleration

The business cycle describes fluctuations in output around the?

a trend path of output



d short-run fluctuations in output

The neoclassical theory of growth identifier the steady state rate of growth as the ____ just sufficient to keep _____ constant while labor grows?

asaving, investment

bcapital per person, productivity

c labor growth, output

d investment capital per person

GDP per head may be an imperfect measure of economic welfare because it excludes ?

athe value of leisure


c Untraded goods

dAll of the above

View Answer All of the above

Governments can stimulate productivity by ?

a Imposing higher taxes on capital

bencouraging more labour intensive work to reduce unemployment

creducing spending in education

dencouraging private investment

A combined measure of productivity that takes account of both labor and capital productivity is known as ?

a total exploitation

blabour/capital productivity

c total factor productivity

d total productivity

The belief that the rate of growth depends upon technological progress facilitated by institutions incentives and government is known as ________ growth theory?





View Answer endogenous

The growth path resulting from technological progress for a given saving rate is known as the ?

a Steady state growth path

b Steady state invention rate

cSteady state level of output

dUnsteady state growth path

The long run equilibrium level of national income is the level at which ?

a economic growth is Zero

bAll investment is used in the manufacturing sector

cEconomic growth is growing

d All investment is used to maintain the existing capital stock at its current level

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