Economics MCQs

Page No. 217

The most important source of wage differentials are ?

aregional variation


crelative danger


View Answer skills

Unions achieve a higher wage differential the more _____ and the more ______?

ainelastic the demand for labour, they can restrict the supply of labour

bmembers they have, aggressive they behave

cthe economy is growing, people prefer leisure

dthe productivity is growing vacancies exist

The opportunity cost of acquiring education is ?

acourse fees

bcourse fees and living expenses

c the earnings foregone

dCourse fees living expenses and textbook

Human capital can be described as ?

athe tools used by workers to enhance productivity

ba person inherited ability

cthe stock of expertise accumulated by a worker


The participation rate in the labour force is affected by ?

ahigher real wages

blower fixed costs of working

clower non-labour income

dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

The downward sloping marginal physical product of labor is the firm’s ?

aSupply of labor

bShort-run demand curve for labor

cmarginal cost of labour

dmarginal revenue product of labor

The substitution effect of a rise in the price of labour will ____ the quantity of labour and the output, effect will ____ it

a increase; increase

bincrease; reduce

creduce; reduce

dreduce; increase

View Answer reduce; reduce

Which of the following is likely to generate a compensating differential ?

aOne employee is more attractive than another

bOne employee is more educated than another

cAll of these answers generated

dOne employee is willing to work the nightshift while another is not.

A wage differential among groups may not by itself be evidence of discrimination in the labour market because different groups have ?

adifferent preferences for the type of work they are willing to do

bdifferent levels of job experience

call of these answers are correct

ddifferent levels of education

Which of the following statements regarding discrimination is true ?

a The existence of a wage differential among groups is strong evidence of discrimination in the labour market

bDiscrimination can only persist in a competitive labour market it customers are willing to pay to maintain the discriminatory practice or the government requires discrimination

c Bigoted employers are the main source of a persistent discriminatory wage differential in a competitive market

d Discrimination cannot exist in a competitive labor market

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