Economics MCQs

Page No. 216

The value of an asset depends upon ?

a its scrap values

bits depreciation

cthe present value of the future stream of income it can earn

dthe cost of loans

If workers get a real wage increase this will likely ____ and _____?

aencourage the use of more capital in the long run, reduce demand for all inputs

bencourage the use of more capital increase demand for all inputs

cencourage the use of less capital reduce demand for all inputs

dencourage the use of less capital, reduce demand for all inputs

Different capital intensity in different industries is mainly explained by _______ and ________?

awage differentials, skill levels

btechnology, the ease of factor substitution

cgovernment grants, international competition

dpatents, skill shortages

The functional distribution of income shows how national income is divided between ?


bthe population

cthe factors of production

dthe working population

Land will be allocated between competing uses so that ?

ahousing gets priority

b industry gets priority

c farming gets priority

d the equilibrium rental rate equilibrium total demand with supply

In the short run, the supply of capital is ________ and in the long run will depend on _______?

avariable, technology

b fixed, expectations

c fixed, rental rate of capital

dvariable, interest rates

The marginal revenue product of capital is the ?

achange in a company’s balance sheet when it acquires new plant

badditional value of output from using more capital

c change in company’s share price

dchanging value of the capital stock

the cost of using capital services is the ?

a wage rate of capital

b interest charges

cmarginal capital cost

drental rate for capital

Efficiency wages are ____ that raise _____?

alow wages, employment

bhigh wages, labor supply

chigh wages, productivity

dhigh wages, employment

In the West Women and non-whites on average receive lower incomes than white men because ?

athey tend to work in relatively unskilled jobs

beducational disadvantage

cfirms are reluctant to invest in training

dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

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