Economics MCQs

Page No. 204

If the state Bank of Pakistan wished to pursue an expansionary monetary policy it would ?

aincrease the minimum reserve asset ratio.

bbuy government securities on the open market

craise interest rates

d sell government securities on the open market

By financial crowding out economist mean ?

acredit rationing

bgovernment borrowing drives up interest rates

cBank of England controls on commercial bank lending

dwhat the government borrows cannot be used for private investment

The idea that the money supply should change to accommodate changes in aggregate demand is associated with the idea of ?

aMargaret Thatcher

bRonald Reagan

cMilton Friedman

dJohn Maynard Keynes

View Answer Milton Friedman

The multiple by which total deposits can increase for every pound increase in reserves is the ?

aMoney multiplier

bliquidity ratio

cbank’s line of credit

drequired reserve ratio

View Answer Money multiplier

The response lag of stabilization policy represents ?

a the time that it takes for policy makers to recognize the existence of boom of bust

bthe time needed for parliament to agree to a tax cut.

cthe time that is necessary to put the desired policy into effect

dthe time that it takes for the economy to adjust to the new conditions after a new policy has been implemented

Time lags which often erode effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policy measures represent ?

adelays in the response of the economy is stabilization policy

bthe foreign response to price changes

c the change in exports and imports prices

d the change in exchange rates

The negative effect on the economy that occurs when average tax rates increase because taxpayers have moved into higher income brackets during an expansion is ?

adebt burden

b the Laffer curves

c bracket creep

dfiscal drag

View Answer the Laffer curves

Automatic stabilisers act to ____ government expenditures and ____ government revenues during recessions ?

aincrease: increase

bdecrease; decrease

c increase; decrease

ddecrease; increase

View Answer increase; decrease

Fiscal Policy refers to ?

aThe government regulation of financial intermediaries

b The spending and taxing policies used by the government to influence the economy

cThe actions of the central bank in controlling the money supply

dThe government’s attitude to taxation

Under a system of floating exchange rates there is a general tendency for ?

aexchange rates to be insensitive to the differential rates of inflation between countries

bthe currencies of relatively high-inflation countries to depreciate

cthe currencies of relatively high inflation countries to appreciate

d the currencies of relatively low inflation countries to depreciate

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