Economics MCQs

Page No. 112

An extreme type of coercive organizations is called a(n) _______________-?


b economic institution

c public institution

dtotal institution

View Answer total institution

Utilitarian organizations are so named because they ?

a produce useful things

b serve the practical purposes of their owners

cprovide useful services to the community

dprovide material benefits in exchange for work

A formal structure of an organizations is its_______________?

aleadership structure

b full-time employees

c bylaws and body of officers

dappearance to its general public


a underlies both competition and coercion

bis diametrically opposed to competition

c is a hostile form of struggle?

d all of the above

According to Daniel Bell the first technological revolution_______________?

awas the first of three such revolution

b entailed the harnessing of electricity

c involved a change in farming techniques

dall of the above

A separation of institutional forms is most characteristic of__________________?

a industrial societies

bagricultural societies

cpastoral societies

dhorticultural societies

The most self-sufficient group is________________?

a the family

b the military

cones in-group


View Answer society

Which of the following is NOT true of primary relations ?

a they cannot exist in secondary groups

b they are always harmonious

cthe family is the only source of primary relation

dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

“Humanity “is__________________?

a an aggregate

b a group

c a category

dall of the above

View Answer a category

The struggle of women and ethnic minorities to change certain discriminatory practices concerns ?

a role strain

bascribed statuses

c master statuses

drole conflict

View Answer ascribed statuses

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